Social Production of Arts

“Socially-produced arts” and “social production of arts” are not just terms. They are important concepts to counter abusive claims by arts collectives that they (already) “work(ed) with communities” or they are “socially-engaged”.

Socially-produced arts are those produced through interactions among members of a society or a community. They might or might not be facilitated by “professional” artists or others, but the products are theirs, not the artists’s or others’s.

Given that definition, it is clear that all works labelled with authorship “by artists that or this”, even with addition “in collaboration with community this and that…” are not socially-produced arts, but should be discerned as socially-inspired or socially-engaged” arts.

Is there such things as socially-produced arts and social production of arts? This question has to do with historical definitions of arts. Let’s discuss.

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